CV & Bio
Sharo is a multidisciplinary artist originally from Taiwan and currently based in London. Her artistic journey delves into a deep exploration of human emotions, investigating their connections to various aspects of societal structures such as personal memory, kinship, family history, and material life, to contextualize the systems that identify each individual. This focus has allowed her to use moving images and live performances as a means to convey these ideas during her bachelor's degree. Especially during her time in London, she encountered the concept of Neo-Colonialism, which significantly influenced her perspective on identity fluidity. This focus led her to pursue advanced studies in anthropology, equipping her with a deeper understanding of ethnographic studies, particularly within the dynamic context of Southeast Asia.
Her anthropological approach, deeply rooted in non-western perspectives, has provided her with a unique lens through which she can observe and understand daily rituals and cultural practices. She has honed her ability to transform these observations into films and immersive, participatory experiences for audiences. In Sharo’s work, she often combines narratives derived from ethnographic research with performance methodologies, creating research-based participatory art. This approach allows her to bridge the gap between academia and artistic expression, fostering a deeper comprehension of cultural dynamics through the exploration of visual art.
Sharo 作為一個多媒材藝術家 (multidisciplinary artist),目前居住在倫敦。 她的創作發展從探索人與人的情感作為出發點,逐漸發掘它們與社會結構的聯繫,如個人記憶、親屬關係、家族史、物質生活,來架構出識別每個個體的系統脈絡。Sharo的研究和創作方向允許她在學士學位中使用影像和肢體表演作為表現手法。尤其是在倫敦就學期間,在當地學術語境中認識新殖民主義的概念,這改變了她對自己本土文化的定義方式及自己對身份流動性的看法,並決定重新找尋另一個角度觀看亞洲的歷史脈絡。在興趣的驅使之下,Sharo 間接接觸到東南亞文化的多元性,發現族群認同的議題可以開啟亞洲共同的歷史話語權。
這是促使她繼續就讀人類學的動力,更深入的去理解民族誌研究的書寫情境和歷史脈絡。在倫敦傳統人類學的教育下,Sharo 在文化以及研究上反思西方與非西方的界線和歷史連結,提供了她獨特的視野。透過田野調查,Sharo 磨練她的觀察能力以書寫和創作的方式,將研究內容轉化為作品,訓練自己詮釋日常儀式和文化習俗的方法,並實驗以各種媒材和體驗設計,將她的理念傳達給觀眾。在作品中,Sharo 嘗試結合民族誌研究的敘事與表演藝術,創造出基於研究的參與性藝術。這種方法使她能夠融合並拉近學術和藝術表現之間的認知差距,透過對視覺的探究促進對文化動態更深的理解。
【 Education 】
2022-23 MSc Social Anthropology in London
School of Economic and Political Sciences (LSE)
2021 BA Performance Design and Practice in
Central Saint Martin (CSM)
2017 FAD Photography in Central Saint Martin (CSM)
【 Other Training 】
- Workshop -
2022 Story collecting workshop: Cultural investigation of Taiwan indigenous village with Wu Healer Community (TW)
2021 Writing in Action: Forum Theatre Scriptwriting workshop (2 months) with Taiwan Applied Theater Development Center (TW)
2020 Graduate in the Making: Community Participatory Development workshop (6 weeks) with MAKE Story Garden (UK)
2019 PQ Walktz (Prague Quadrennial) in collaboration with University of the Arts Utrecht (NL)
- Short Course -
2019 Documentary Storytelling in University of City London (UK)
【 Working Experience 】
2021.12- Current Project Assistance | Full-time in Suaveart company limited Taiwan/ Indonesia (Online/ In person)
2021.08-12 Project Assistance | Intern in Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts & Culture Thailand (Online)
2021.09 Exhibition Assistance | Part-time Arts Admin Art Festival 2021 UK, London, Toynbee Studios
2021.06 Exhibition Assistance | Part-time by Bito design in London Design Biannual 2021 Taiwan Pavilion UK, London, Somerset House
2021.03 Art Assistance | Part-time Assisting set building and dressing for Rag n Bone’s music video Anywhere Away From Here. Duke of York Theatre, London, UK
【 Project & Exhibition 】
2023.07-Current | Researcher & Creative writer Co-write and create column Migrating Space in Working in Progress: Reimagine the Identity of Urban Spectrum will be publish by Suaveart Zürich, Switzerland
2022.06-09 | Group exhibition On the Way to the Factory selected by Documenta 15 as a residency project in Jatiwangi Art Factory under Wagiwagi Collective Kassel, Germany
2020.11-12 | Film directer Directing WHEN WE CLOSE THE BOX selected by Bomb Factory Artist’s Film Festival London, UK
2020. 01-03 | Workshop designer Participating and designing Generation project, as an improvising workshop designer, with people from All Change community and Camden People Theatre Central Saint Martin, London, UK
2019.11-2020.02 Set designer for Space Plague SMASH Fest in the community center. Deptford Lounge, London, UK
2019.09 -11 | Film Directing /Performing Film making collaborating with London Sinfonietta, broadcast in Southbank Center Southbank Center, London, UK
2019. 06 | Participant/Photographer In PQ Walz as performer/hiker, 2019 Prague Quadrennial London, UK —> Prague, Czech Republic
2018.11 | Assisting filmmaker Femme Daemonium ( live performance event) Brighton, UK
2018.11 | Designer Designing installation exhibit in Metaphonica 2018 Central Saint Martin, London, UK
2017 | Curator Curating graduation exhibition in National Yi-Lan High School Yilan, Taiwan
【 Volunteer Experiences 】
2021.9 Exhibition Assistance Working as Exhibition Assistance in Brixton Library for Travel Things Museum Brixton Library, London, UK
2020.8 Project Assistance Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Datong 108
2018.12 Receptionist / Helper Volunteer in Blackhorse Baptist Church Walthamstow, London, UK
2018 Graphic Designer Volunteer for Nan Zhuang Lao Liao cultural industry as a graphic designer Nan Zhuang, Miaoli, Taiwan
2018 Project Assistance Volunteer for Treasure Hill Artist Village exhibition Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Receptionist Volunteer for Or Book Store Zhubei, Hsinchu, Taiwan
【 學歷 】
2022-23 碩士(MSc) 社會人類學 倫敦政治經濟學院
2021 學士(BA) 表演設計與實踐 中央聖馬丁學院 倫敦藝術大學
2017 預科 (FAD) 攝影 中央聖馬丁學院 倫敦藝術大學
【 其他訓練 】
- 工作坊參與&製作 -
2022 尋根與療癒 - 故事採集行動攤車:東台灣部落文化考察 巫癒子 (TW)
2021 行動的書寫:論壇劇場編劇實務 (2個月) 台灣應用劇場發展中心 (TW)
2020 Graduate in the Making: 社區參與發展實作研討會 (6 週) with MAKE Story Garden (UK)
2019 PQ Walktz (布拉格四年展表演藝術季) 烏得勒支藝術大學(NL)
- 短期課程 -
2019 紀錄片論述:影像敘事 倫敦市立大學 University of City London (UK)
【 工作經驗 】
2021.12-2022. 06 全職 專案助理 於細着藝術有限公司 -台灣 / 印尼 (online / in person)
2021. 08-12 實習 專案助理 於 Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts & Culture - 泰國(online)
2021.09 兼職 展覽助理 作為展覽助理協助展覽運作 Arts Admin Art Festival 2021 -英國,倫敦, 湯恩比館 (UK, London, Toynbee Studios)
2021.06 兼職 展覽助理 作為展覽助理協助展覽運作 London Design Biannual 2021 Taiwan Pavilion -英國,倫敦 ,薩默塞特府 (UK, London, Somerset House)
2021.03 兼職 藝術助理 作為藝術助理協助製作音樂影片 Rag n Bone Man ft P!nk Anywhere Away From Here -英國,倫敦,約克爵士劇院(UK, London, Duke of York Theatre)
【 項目 & 展覽 】
2023.07 - 聯合研究&創作 聯合寫作/創作 西築華造一書 由 細着藝術 獨立出版 - 瑞士,蘇黎世 (Switzerland, Zürich)
2022. 06-09 聯合展覽 On the Way to the Factory 作為 Wagiwagi Collective 一員 於 Jatiwangi Art Factory 駐村作品 獲選於 15屆卡賽爾文件展 -德國,卡塞爾(Germany, Kassel)
2020. 11-12 短片入圍影展 擔任影片總監 When We Close The Box 獲選於Bomb Factory Film Festival -英國,倫敦(UK, London)
2020. 02-03 工作坊設計師 參與設計社區藝術/應用戲劇---Generation 項目 -英國,倫敦,中央聖馬丁 (UK, London, Central Saint Martin)
2019.11- 2020.02 佈景設計師 作為佈景設計師參加SMASH Festival: Space Plague項目 -英國,倫敦,達特社區中心(UK, London, Deptford lounge SE8 4RJ)
2019.09-11 影片導演 與 London Sinfonietta Orchestra 合作,以Georg Friedrich Haas的音樂為主要發想核心製作短片 -英國,倫敦,Southbank Center (UK, London, Southbank Center)
2019. 06 表演者 / 攝影師 以Performer/Hiker身份參加2019布拉格四年展 (PQ Waltz 2019) -英國,倫敦(UK, London) —— 捷克,布拉格(Czech Republic, Prague)
2018.11 攝影師 在 Femme Daemonium (live performance)擔任攝影師 -英國,布萊頓 (UK, Brighton)
2018.11 聯合展覽 中央聖馬丁校內獲選聯合展覽 Metaphonica Exhibition -英國,倫敦 ,中央聖馬丁,White Lab (UK, London, Central Saint Martin, White Lab)
2017 展覽總監 擔任宜蘭高中第十五屆美術班畢業展覽總監 -台灣,宜蘭
【 志工經驗 】
2021.9 展覽助理 於Brixton Library在Travel Things Museum計畫擔任展覽助理 -英國,倫敦,布里克斯頓圖書館 (UK, London, Brixton Library)
2020.8 活動企劃助理 在大同108舊城再生基地擔任活動企劃助理 -台灣,新竹市,大同108 舊城再生基地
2018.12 前台接待員 在Blackhorse Road Baptist Church 擔任前台服務志工 -英國,倫敦,沃爾瑟姆斯托(UK, London, Walthamstow)
2018 平面設計師 在南莊文藝青旅 老寮 以平面設計師作為打工換宿 -台灣,南莊
2018 擔任志願者協助參加台北國家寶藏巖藝術駐村計畫 -台灣,台北
2017 擔任志工協助新竹縣 或者書店 賽書節 -台灣,新竹