
PQ Walz ->

Slow Travel

Performer | Aggie Jurochnik, Maya Ross Russell Documentation | Sharo Liang                             Support by | PQ Waltz

Duration | 03 - 14 Jun. 2019 Location | London➝ Dover (UK)➝ Calais (FR)➝ Lille (FR) ➝ Brussels (BE) ➝ Cologne (DE) ➝ Frankfurt (DE)➝ Hof (DE) ➝ Cheb (CZ) ➝ Karlovy Vary (CZ) ➝ Prague

Invited by the Prague Quadrennial, with the theme of "slow travel", starting from London, passing through France, Belgium, Germany all the way to the exhibition venue - Prague, Czech Republic. Instead of taking a plane, we choose various modes of transportation that slow down our pace, and with light props—carpets (symbolizing home and fundamental concepts during travel), and objects we picked up on the road, we choose a corner according to your mood or improvise in the current context in the public in different places every day during our trip.

For more information please visit:

受Prague Quadrennial的邀請,以「慢旅行」為主題,從倫敦出發,經過法國、比利時、德國一路到展覽場—捷克布拉格。不搭乘飛機,選擇各種能慢即慢的交通方式,帶著輕便的道具——地毯(在旅行中象徵家和根本的概念),以及路上撿拾到的小物,每一日在不同地點,在旅行中隨心情選擇角落或大庭廣眾之下在當下語境即興表演。

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