Storyboard | ZhongJin Zhang 張仲瑾 , Sharo Liang 梁棨筑 Director | Kano Yanagiya 柳谷圭音, Sharo Liang 梁棨筑 Video Editing | XiaoSu Han 韓小蘇, Kano Yanagiya 柳谷圭音 Music - Gorge Frederic Haas “In Vain” with London Sinfonietta
Duration | Sep. - Dec. 2019 Location | Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank center, London, UK
Collaborating with London Sinfonietta Orchestra, we took Georg Friedrich Haas’s “In Vain (2017)” and Brigit Riley’s work as our key research, to create a three-minute short film. Under Haas and Riley’s inspiration, we decide to start with the sensation both works express, visualize the daze and unrealistic illusion by projecting these emotions on a charachter and continue digging into a more specific feeling of staying in a closed space. Finally, we come up with the idea of using thread to sculpt out the complicated emotional change from anxiety to emptiness, moreover to experiment to create a non-narrative and discontinuous scenario by playing with the material and montage, to build up the complexity of the emotion, and wandering in between the real and illusive world.
For more details:
與 London Sinfonietta Orchestra 合作,以Georg Friedrich Haas 的音樂 以及 Brigit Riley的作品作為主要發想核心製作一部三分鐘的短片,並以Haas的音樂作為影片背景音樂。以在這兩組作品給人的感官作為出發點,把暈眩、不真實的幻覺實體化,以情緒密室的主題持續發展。最後決定利用線來雕塑出情感的凌亂、焦躁不安以及空虛感,並更進一步嘗試用材料以及蒙太奇式的剪輯方式創造出非敘事的不連續情境,進而營造出難以描述的複雜情緒,在真實以及虛幻的世界來回穿梭。
Vibe testing short film. / 視覺氛圍測試短片