
The Statical Urban Reactionary




Photographer | Sharo Liang

Duration | Sep. - Oct. 2018 Location | London, Archway station

This project is made in the first year I came to London. Every corner in London you can always see people rushing around intentionally or aimlessly. The time I spend living in this city, provide me a lot of opportunities to observe the way people walks. For this project, I decided to lower my angel, and really look into how they walk around London. In this “constantly moving” city, I tried to find a silent space on the figure, as a result, I find out a natural frame that’s created in between people’s legs while they walk. Everyone can produce this space equally, and spaces are dissected from the city by the people, which creates a static landscape painting. To use strong contrast of black and white, to clearly portrait the silhouette of the frame and the scenery within it, as I was taking photos of people who use their body to create, like modern performers.

在倫敦的各個角落都能不經意的看到人們匆忙有目的的沒目的的行走。生活在這城市的時間,提供我很多機會用各種角度觀察人們行走。這次選擇刻意匍匐在地上觀察人們行走。並促成了這一個系列。 在這個「不斷移動」的城市中,我嘗試用相機在人的身上尋找一處靜止之地,於是發現人的肢體自然形成的畫框——雙腳間的空間。每個人都能平等生產的空間,而在這些空間內切割出城市是人製造出的靜態風景畫。於是用對比鮮明的黑白照,更清楚地描繪畫框的輪廓以及框內的風景。彷彿在拍攝一群利用肢體創作的現代表演者。